
by Luigi Cirenei

arr. Carlo Pirola

It is a THEMATIC SUITE where life is told




by Luigi Cirenei

arr. Carlo Pirola

It is a THEMATIC SUITE where life is told and the movements are:

1) Il CORALE della VITA – duration 2 min. 05”
2) DANZA dei FANCIULLI – duration 2’
3) CANZONE-SERENATA – duration 2’ 15”
4) INTERMEZZO degli IDEALI – duration 2’ 20”
5) NOTTURNO – duration 2 min. 05”
6) MARCIA verso l’APOTEOSI – duration 2’ 10”

Before each movement, in the Score I deliberately inserted the beautiful poetic words of Luigi Cirenei to comment on each piece.
I made an adaptation to the band ensemble, with extracts of the movements that I used to formulate this SUITE, maintaining the intent of L. Cirenei who wanted to tell LIFE in music. We are in 1912 Cyreneans was the age of 31, when he had not yet become famous….

I allowed myself to review and facilitate some passages of instrumentation trying to maintain the timbre color desired by Luigi Cirenei, in some places I had to fall back on an easier and smoother writing, while maintaining the original motifs both melodic, rhythmic and the support of harmony, in the instrumental timbre choice desired by the author.

I had to set aside the most difficult passages to standardize the SUITE in an accessible and varied way, for a pleasant reading aimed at the instrumentalists of a Youth Band. It is the proposal that I have been thinking for some time to achieve a historical recovery suitable for our Italian youth formations.

The score bears the dedication to the director and friend Maestro Giuseppe Cecchetti of Perugia who accompanied me in the Umbrian raids of many years ago to the rediscovery of the composers and conductors of this Region who have dedicated commitment and passion to the development and growth of the Band.

Carlo Pirola

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