Seven Preparatory Studies for Playing in Orchestra


by Franco Cardaropoli


by Franco Cardaropoli

The main purpose of this work is to accompany the young musician in the acquisition of ever greater awareness in dealing with and performing the various orchestral repertoires.

Percussions play a very important role in the orchestra, since, thanks to their characteristic penetrating and brilliant sound, they are used in many ways and in various classical musical syles.

The material of these studies, structured in exercises, aims to deepen all aspects of the use of accessories in the orchestra (tambourine, triangle, castanets, bass drum, bass drum and attached cymbals (tacabanda), (tam-tam, cymbals) and to provide precise information on the execution techniques for each of them.

The studies predict numerous expressive possibilities, with the aim of stimulating the performer to a better technique and musical imagination to allow those who want, to explore the various colors and meanings of percussion, to add a new texture to their music.

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